03 January 2010

New York,I Love You

Something turns me on that I want to go to the cinema today. A couple of movies on shown are attractive at the beginning of the 2010. Finally I pick "New York,I Love You", hoping to catch some kind of warm feeling. Woo, it makes me...

Sorry to say that I didn't get what I want. 12 famous directors, mix with many Oscar stars, making 12 different stories with the background of NYC. But I did not get to know deeper about this city. Stories are so generals and some of them even say nothing but sex. Does NYC is really running like that? Can we say that it is a city of dream? I cannot resist to compare this movie to "Love Actually", a Christmas classic years ago, which really touch me with tear. Maybe the movies is out of my expectation, or I need to see it in a different angle. The only story really impress me was the one talking about a pair of old couples (directed by Joshua Marston). Within the 1 hour and 44 mins, I can only carry these 8 mins home and have a good sleep.

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