26 December 2009

Huang Bei Ling Antique Town

Boxing Boxing......I don't know why I keep thinking of "The Boxers" by Morrissey on the Boxing day. I like the Smiths and Morrissey very much, but it is nothing to do with Christmas time.

Today I visited a friend who open a Chinese tea shop in Huang Bei Ling Antique Town. The Antique Town is not far away from town, as the area cannot be reached by subway train, so it is a less famous treasure searching place. Behind the Arch there is a big area for flea market selling all kinds of so and so antique, jade, china, jewellery, paintings, books, even cameras and everything you can imagine.

We didn't spend much time on the market and went straight to my friends' store. It is a rather well know store around the place so quite a number of customers around while we stay there. My friend keep a lot of valuable antique tea cakes and we love to seek if there was a chance to have a taste. Of course we try some of those we cannot afford to pay for, but finally I did buy two tea bricks. The bricks were made in the 90s and they are raw bricks. It taste very sweet and seems like already aging for more then twenty years. They cost me not much (500 HKD) and refresh me some 80s memories.

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