02 December 2009

How healthy Chinese tea drinking are?

If you are tired of coffee, try Chinese tea. It is not necessary to compare coffee with Chinese tea. All I can say, there are many benefits of drinking Chinese tea. Let's look a the ingredients of tea. There are Catechin, Vitamins, Caffeine, Organic acids and other nutrition ingredients such as magnesium, natrium etc. We can talk about that in more detail later.

Scientist already proof the advantages to human body of drinking tea. The famous legend of 5000 years ago: Shennong, he tasted 72 kinds of herbs, and finally was badly poisoned and laid down under a tree. Suddenly, the wind blew down a leaf into a bowl of water. Shennong drank it and the water served as an antidote and he was cured from the poisoned herbs.

The leaf is just the tea leaves nowadays. So he introduced the tea drinking to Chinese people, that believe to be healthy and treated as medicine. Today, people drink tea to prevent cancer, for better digestion, losing weight. I'm not sure if you can losing weight by drinking coffee.

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