26 November 2009

Post-Morden Chinese tea Beauty

Some years ago, I was a design student in a University. If the internet industry was as popular as today, the hottest search word within the design community must be "Post-Modernism". As the follower of Modernism, Post-Modernism request more fun, personality, colour, share of interest, human touch and sense of humour. In the early 80's, Post-Modernism penetrated into various cultural field, context, fine art, music, architecture etc. One of the most outstanding example is the HSBC headquarter located in Central area in Hong Kong, designed by Norman Foster.

Some ppl do not like this building. They said it look like a monster, or too much similar to a factory rather then a commercial bank. The building became talk of the town not only in Hong Kong but around the world. That's the interesting point of Post-Modern culture. We need some topics and fun. No matter the building is a factory or transformer, it still a trade mark of Hong Kong. If you look around in the city you live, there are lots of detail you may overlook. Just pay more attention, humour or fun is all around.

I love Chinese tea, because there are human touch and memories. Good Chinese tea need aging. Usually, the older, the better. While the tea leave is getting aging, memories is increasing as well. So when you are enjoying a cup of Chinese tea, you are not only tasting a drink, on top of that, the memory and a taste of history.

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